Tag Archives: Philip Gefter

Interview: Philip Gefter and Buzz Hartshorn

I enjoyed Philip Gefter’s collection of essays “Photography After Frank.” So, when I saw this interview by Gefter of Willis “Buzz” Hartshorn, the director of the International Center of Photography, I knew I would want to re-post it. I’m not … Continue reading

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A few quick thoughts on portraits

I’ve had portraits on my mind lately. I attended a workshop in Chicago put on by Digital Photo Academy, which is a Panasonic-sponsored series of workshops in various cities around the country. Unlike the “tour” workshops that hit a series … Continue reading

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Is Fine Art Photography Dead?

I’ve been slogging through David Bate’s textbook, Photography: The Key Concepts. (And it is a slow, hard slog.) There’s lots to think about and write about, but in the meantime, Philip Gefter has an interesting piece in the magazine Photograph … Continue reading

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I don’t expect to see this at our local AMC

This looks like fun. Click on the image to go to a trailer for a new film on New York street/fashion photographer Bill Cunningham. It caught my eye because the producer is Philip Gefter, author of Photography After Frank, and … Continue reading

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Philip Gefter on Chinese Photographer Hai Bo

On the Daily Beast, Philip Gefter has a new essay on Chinese photographer Hai Bo. Gefter is the author of Photography after Frank and former picture editor for the New York Times. He writes of Hai Bo, “One image, Passing … Continue reading

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So, what’s Philip Gefter got against Annie Leibovitz?

A lot, apparently. In his Photography After Frank , most of Gefter’s essays are complementary profiles of a variety of photographers, some famous, some not so much. But, when it comes to his review of Leibovitz’s own book, A Photographer’s … Continue reading

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Two Languages: Words and Pictures

Philip Gefter, Photography After Frank. “Many people approach the act of looking at photographs with an inherent blind spot. They need to know what it is before they can appreciate how it looks.” For me this statement, and the essay … Continue reading

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What I’m Reading

Photography After Frank. Essays by Philip Gefter. I’ll want to write more about this book. But, it’s so good that I thought I’d put in a quick plug right away. It’s not really what I expected. Rather than a single … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Criticism and Commentary, Great Photographers, On Photography, Photographers, Photography Collections, Photography Histories | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment