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Tag Archives: Edward Weston
In Search of Things as They Are
Disappearing Witness by Gretchen Garner. Johns Hopkins University Press. Gretchen Garner thinks documentary photography contributes something that is worth preserving. For much of the 20th Century, Â that would have seemed like a ridiculously self-evident perspective. Documentary photography, or more precisely, … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Criticism and Commentary, On Photography, Photography Histories
Tagged Diane Arbus, Documentary Photography, Edward Weston, Eugene Smith, Francis Bacon, Gretchen Garner, History of Photography, Life Magazine, Photographic Criticism, Robert Frank, Rolling Stone Magazine, Wallace Stevens, William Mortensen
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Thinking about Beaumont
The History of Photography by Beaumont Newhall. The Museum of Modern Art (1982 Edition) Beaumont Newhall’s History of Photography is so much a part of the history that it documents that it can be hard to read it today and … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Criticism and Commentary, On Photography, Photography Histories
Tagged Ansel Adams, Beaumont Newhall, Dorothea Lange, Edward Weston, Emmet Gowin, Fredericks' Photographic Temple of Art, Gertrude Kasebier, Henry Peach Robinson, History of Photography, Lee Friedlander, Looking at Photographs, Mortenson, Photographic Criticism, Robert Capa, Robert Frank, Stephen Shore, William Eggleston, Winogrand
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A Narrative of Paradigms
American Photography by Miles Orvell, Oxford History of Art Series. In his introduction, Miles Orvell sets out a challenge for himself: to tell the history of photography in America as “a narrative of successive paradigms, rather than a string of … Continue reading
Striving for Art
Photography, the Key Concepts by David Bate, Berg Publishers Where exactly does photography fit into the world of art? That photography is, or can be, “art” has been a settled question for a century or more. Far more difficult to … Continue reading →
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